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/a/ reaction images thread.
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you mean geemu girls?
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_____ with Izutsumi
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Dumb brat. Needs spoon correction
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Next episode, definitely. It's in the very next chapter.
We're also getting Senshi with his helmet off in the next episode.
Episode after that, we should probably get to the Golden Kingdom.
Then the next 2 will be Griffin and Griffin Soup.
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gato sexo

Episode 5 in ~3 hours
No golf to stop us now
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I love how despite her power as a Keeper she's so clumsy.
Even that's a bit of a stretch, I have a hard time believing he'd willingly kill Green after all he owes him.
Their creation is probably the biggest mystery in the manga.
We know how the divine tools were made, why they're a sentai, who made the bosses, but nothing on the actual fighters
negi is a hack so they are kidnapped humans so D will turn him and other footsolders into human. safe and boring always win in japan
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Now she's starting to make me worry

>He is saying that Saber was an impossibly perfect role model, not a leader.

Was Iskander right?
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I see what you're saying, but I think you're oversteering. Most people know Alexander and have at least heard of Hannibal. Google searches go for Lecter first because of utility. Info on the actor is more often requested, but it doesn't mean people don't know the historical figure.
In terms of recognisability:
Scipio < Hannibal < Arthur = Alexander
And Arthur is more known as a "king adventurer", the one who seeks the Holy Grail, while Alexander is known as a general who had conquered half the world. Also? Real. So I would give him the win here.
>Nobody would even know about Gilgamesh if not for Fate.
I hope that you are not talking seriously
Monarchy was way less centralized than any modern form of goverment.
Compare modern megacities to itinerative courts vaguely ruling over almost independent lordships and city councils
Literally no one in that scene was a good king. Just a bunch of goobers sperging out.
>decides to turn people into data and keep them in her spear to at least save some humans from the Incineration of Humanity

All she needed to do to stop Goetia would be find 2 Asterios', what an idiot

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Fīat iūstitia ruat cælum: let justice be done, though the heavens fall.
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Whip Devil genlte femdom
I'm talking about the angelic pure woman shit is clearly headcanon and I do not care for your headcanon
Yeah Denji was weary of some girls since day one he immediately thought Makima was a bitch and Power was annoying and Kobeni was weird from first impression
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>Makima was a bitch
Straight up false, he just doubted at some point but he directly fell in love with her
>and Power was annoying
Because she was, he changed his opinion right away when she brought up her body.
>and Kobeni was weird from first impression
Because she tried to murder him.

It's time
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Toyo is currently taking inspirations from Star Wars movies and will be back to us soon
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>bejita telling toriyama off
Yeap, that's my prince.

I miss when Yu-Gi-Oh used to have hot girls.
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eh, that's about as much author involvement as DBS.
But he did work on Arc-V
Belts and Leather



>Go Rush

>Every series
Only the manga
>The worst version of Arc-V

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>A blonde musician who was kicked out of her former group due to an initially unclear incident is forced to start over from nothing, trying to stay true to her own aesthetic and identity rather than let herself be moulded into yet another cutesy idol popstar. She coincidentally meets the plain brown-haired protagonist at a street live, and they connect because one of them is the other's oshi before running through the nighttime streets together after crashing a rival's performance. The protagonist initially rejects the offer to work together because she's given up on her own identity as the result of past trauma, lying to herself that she only wants a normal school life, but is hooked after giving it a try, eventually becoming obsessed witbh online comments and followers to the point of it being a problem, as she's actually super needy and competitive and mendokusai despite pretending not to really care before. They're eventually joined by a girl with long black hair who outwardly seems to be the image of a delicate Japanese beauty, but whose true self is actually the complete opposite, and a short easily-flustered chuuni who dropped out of school to pursue internet fame from her gamer chair. The main ongoing conflict is currently onsided with the blonde's former group, as it's clear she has unresolved baggage with its remaining members, and the main theme relates to maintaining your identity and uniqueness even when going with the crowd might be the most rational path forward.
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Still no heterosexual explanation btw
I dont care unless they are shown to be fingerbanging or similar activity
Love Live doesn't have a maleshit spinoff though
they are euro's not gay
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They kinda do. They collabed with Granblue Fantasy once. Cygames had to put some kind of "warning" (pic-related) before starting the collab event, even though it was a nothingburger.

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The meat that Luffy eats in the One Piece anime is an.... arm/leg of some mammal-like, right?

Because I want to eat it too. The most faithful meat of the real world possible to what they have in the One Piece anime, regarding the iconic one that Luffy eats. Picture related.
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>It's obvious from every implications since the start of the story.
such as?
And your life is so pathetic you cannot find hope even where it's spelled out for children
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Man shut the hell up with that demoralizing trash
anon, Hancock is literally his wife
How old do you think I was when I first read it back in 2007?

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Would you fall in love with clussy in isekai?
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I'm reading the WN. The story is pretty average though.
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Swordmaster CF
I reveal to my parents I body jacked their child and become an outcast.
Risa knows the mystery guy (Slim Souta).
So she thinks Souta knows him too because he's close with Risa and knows he's hiding stuff from her and lying to her.
She's desperately trying to team up with him to trick Souta into giving info about the mystery guy. But he's avoiding her and ends teaming up with other people, frustating her plans.
It's alright

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Why did kishimoto abandon his high contrast bright coloring?
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666 Satan was better than Naruto
both are shit
The ONLY Uchiha slander allowed here is Hinata's. Go away senjews.
American level of reading comprehension
madara could probably keep the bugs out with susanoo.
kakashi could still use his sharingan.
can't deidara use his stomach to chew clay too?

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Turning Point 3 exclusive PV:

The Hydra is fucking CG. It's officially over.
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my bad kirschtaria lol
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here's the updated version
PV FUCKING DOKO it was taken down again someone just post the catbox link for the love of Hitocutie
Thanks. I was thinking when i posted that someone has most likely made an updated version with the recent -ish official illustrations
Which wife would be the most likely to be a queen of spades?

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Hisoka is far more likely to die than either Chrollo or Illumi.
The rest of the troupe is up in the air, although I would assume Kalluto is definitely safe. Nobunaga I can't tell if all the character building he got last batch means he's gonna die or live, and Machi probably will live too.
The thing I like about Halk is that once the King directly called him out on his bullshit by saying “you’re all talk, if you want to change things take action” he immediately walked out and took action. The question is whether he can stick to his original ideals amongst the coming bloodshed
Hisoka wanted to fight Netero and believed he could kill Chrollo in a fight where he let Chrollo prepare every advantage possible. Hisoka is fucking delusional and should not be trusted to evaluate people compared to himself.
Hisoka thought that he'd beat Chrollo and that he had a chance against Netero
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I wonder why some people believe that Gon or Killua will ever come back to the story.
At the start of the series, we were given very specific goals for each main character.
Gon: Find his father and see what being a hunter was all about
Killua: Break free from his family and find something worth fighting for, not just following Gon(his sister)
Leorio: Become a doctor
Kurapika: Find all the eyes of his clans and get revenge on the phantom troupe.
The only one remaining is Kurapika, there are obviously some plots left like Hisoka or that one king from the chimera arc who was teased but as it was shown, most of their goals have been achieved and the only one left is Kurapika.
The moment his search and revenge is over, the manga ends. Simple as that.

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Post pictures of dead anime girls
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Necrophilia is not rape, it's a separate paraphilia.
Not in my country apparently
Necrophilia is one of those things that goes a long time without becoming illegal because nobody ever thinks to codify it into law until there's a high profile case and someone finally looks and realizes
>Oh shit, we DON'T have a law against that? Someone needs to do something about that.
Same goes for things like bestiality, which wasn't made illegal in Washington until the Mr. Hands case (2006), and cannibalism, which wasn't made illegal in Germany until the Armin Meiwes case (2001).
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