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Find someone who looks at you like she looks at Usopp. The monster three leg trio has won. Be like Kays.

There are some things money can't buy; for everything else, there's Master Soup.
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so does Don Chinjao and Shidd
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S-Snake with a tight ass.
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Even powerless Ace tanked Teach's neck snap, this bitch was already dying at this

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Why isn't Asaka singing the OP anymore, why was she demoted to singing the ED? Where's my Eri Sasaki ED, why was she demoted to lyricist? What were they thinking?! Yuru Camp without an Asaka OP or an Eri Sasaki ED doesn't feel right.
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>our pure campers
>their slutty idols
Is this up on Nyaa? any TLbros?
I notice that there are so many low-angle shots where we can see Nade's butt. Is this lewdness intentional?
Back. Off. At least someone uptight and prudish like the StuCo Prez Dia-san and her pure cinnamon bun moeblob imouto Ruby-chan aren't sluts.
Probably to compensate for her lack of noticeable boobs, unlike her titty monster onee-chan. Her mom's kinda flat too, if I remember it right.

I still haven't moved on from this show. I love G-Witch so damn much bros, and even the ending can't make me hate it.
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>literally can't stop replying
Wow, you're so triggered. Just stop being obsessed with calling other people mad and you won't be so triggered.
She cucked Shaddiq in this scene in the drama CD? I read that Shaddiq was about to ask Miorine to dance but this tanuki interrupted him.
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You're not fooling anyone ack
Flop of mercury
A pity that this shit show brought snowflake yuritroons to Gundam, and schizos like ACK

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Surely you don't just buy figures.
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Yen is crashing, they need Western money
This anon's right. I'd also encourage you to stop fixing things off of YouTube videos. I don't know the plastic, but CA is the wrong choice. Take your time. You'll probably be told to use some sort of hobby cement or epoxy that you'll have to go out and pick up depending on the type of plastic. Good luck.
The best way is to pin it and use epoxy. Search for how to pin garage kits on youtube.
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I do not like this figure, buyf/a/g.

Its smug aura mocks me.
Yes, preorders are new

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So what are our thoughts?
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I always forget how tiny 11s are
Left is best
I like that event in Arusu Install where she turns into a yandere.
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Reine is still the biggest. And the best.
Mukuro sexo.

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I love anime
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that's a good pic
hi snowtsuba
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Big agree
I think /a/ can still give great discussions, but it is mostly to a little older anime, less discussed, so you only get people who actually like it and care about what is being discussed, I had an amazing thread on Kokoro Toshokan for example.

So now that a new tournament is underway. Who do you think is a part of the 8 strongest to be competing over the privilege that is becoming Shen's play toy?
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The true aesthetic "weakness" is Masaki's insanity
Yea sure thing Kiddo

Lol fuck no
Eh OPM threads were already dying because you couldn't extract humor from how poorly it was going. The manga was nothing short of horrid with how it spun the events of the webcomic while in return only giving fantastic art that was rapidly lowering in its awe inspiring nature over time. To be honest it feels that "we" are going down the same route but without a way to signal it. It doesn't feel like these threads break 20 IP's though that might be my fault for making like 30 posts a thread.
He's not running, he's charging or lunging
Talking about traveling overseas to kill someone for screwing up the ending of a work you liked is much, much edgier though. I don't think it's really fair to compare someone drudging up the same talking points over and over again to just happening to use a derogatory term for someone while discussing things. This overfocus on the specific phrasing of things was exactly what lead to the "landlord oven" debate in the dump thread before this, and that was pretty awful.

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Weekly Shonen Jump Issue #22/23 (2024)
Group Cover
One Piece (Lead Color Page)
Super Psychic Policeman Chojo
Jujutsu Kaisen
Blue Box
My Hero Academia
Kyoukutou Necromance (Color Page, 2nd Chapter, 25p)
Sakamoto Days
Kamen Kitan Teo (Color Page, One-shot by Goto Togo & Matsuura Kento, 47p)
Kagurabachi (Color Page, First of Two Consecutive, Vol. 2 Release)
Astro Royale (3rd Chapter, 23p)
Mission: Yozakura Family
Witch Watch

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Astro needs to salvage its rep within the first 10 chapters or it's so over...
Read it yourself
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MH hates nue, same as reddit and twitter. /a/ is the only pro-nue stronghold in the west
the funnier thing is that this isnt even Wakui's first "PUNCH HARD" MC. He is the 4th or 5th. Every MC of him loves punching more than does anything else even if they have broken ability, and 2 out of previous 4 got axed
And WSJ thought they shouldnt stop it because ???
look at this anon>>265889398 and tell me if it look cool, if you don't think, then you should know the problem

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Kid Bejita looks silly with his bangs. Like he's larping as a prince with his get up too.
Bring the capes back.
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>ultra non-canon
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holup fr fr no cap. kekarot on the bottom right got a pussy? he zesty fr
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Zetla Street season 2 when? I need to know what will happen to Bejita, and what became of paw-paw after Goku gave him that pizza. There are so many cliffhangers, the wait is KILLING me.

Each week I will be posting the corresponding chapters for the episode.

Chapter 37: Harpy
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Thanks, OP.
Adding the boob bounce to this scene was very cool and very necessary
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>is KUI queer?
How's that even a question? She's literally the icon of body positivity and diversity in the manga
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Hearing her cast makes it a lot more obvious that she still has memories and intellect. When I first read this chapter, I thought of her as more like Nina (some intellect and memories, but reduced to dog-level, borderline parroting) until she and Thistle fight the Canaries and she becomes much more goofy, protective, and Falin-like.

>?! Ah Am I seeing this correctly?
>This girl, she left behind sorcery, all due to a binding vow?
>You are an anomaly in the world of Jujutsu.
>Miwa, Eh?
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The leaks were yesterday
So you can just domain without hand signs now, huh? Great.

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Western sisters...japan wont kneel
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>bounding into comics
of fucking course
and as usual, you motherfuckers takes the bait easily
>there is no enthusiasm among creators, management dictates what to do because they think they found a formula for eternal success
Anime since early 00s
give one example
So white people then

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3 days left
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Does Nagatoro actually get naked in public like the other girls or she's immune to it?
Baseless accusations
Because this specific thing is my ritual post
Also I don't think Guts ever even did anything involving a gym that I could relate to it
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>borderline slideshow
>one of the most beautiful, expressive, touching anime I've ever seen
Gainax was such a amazing studio in their heyday.
A case of the studio and director knowing how to handle a TV production well. When there WAS a lot of animation it generally looked great, and the panels/quicker cheaper animations were integrated well via the direction still making them interesting to look at.
Was Anno's involvement minimum? Dude couldn't handle a budget at all.
Budget was never an issue, Anno was pretty heavily involved throughout its production. People say that he "left" during the middle of a show but that's a myth, I believe he just stepped down as a director after a certain point due to network conflicts IIRC. He did return as director during the final episode though. This video goes more into detail about the entire situation:
>one of the most beautiful, expressive, touching anime I've ever seen
That sounds pretty nice. I've had this in my backlog for 20 years now so I think I'll actually get off my ass and watch it right this minuteness.

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The reason the manga is flopping is because of no makima
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I love Miss Mitaka dearly
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yuko did not steal their thoughts! their memories were intact, too.
that was someone else, she could have never done such a thing
and even if she did, what else was she supposed to do?
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Part 3 better have Asa say "Reminds of me of an old friend."
Yoshida killed her

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